
Android 7.1.2 (Lineage 14.1) on Raspberry pi 3

Last week I wanted to use Mobdro on my 32 inch LED TV which is not a smart TV

I have a raspberry Pi3 and thought of installing android on it.

After googling for a while i found this working solution.


  1. Download the zip image from here http://konstakang.com/devices/rpi3/CM14.1/
  2. Boot up a linux system, open bash and go to the download directory.
  3. Insert a >=4GB micro sdcard using a adapter
  4. Issue the command shown below:

unzip -p ./lineage-14.1-20170810-UNOFFICIAL-KonstaKANG-rpi3.zip | sudo dd of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=4M conv=fsync status=progress

**of=/dev/mmcblk0 may change on your machine, incorrect partition may corrupt your system**

Wait until the process is completed!!

Insert the micro sdcard in your raspberry pi, power your raspberry pi and connect the hdmi port to your TV

Your PI is a android machine now !!

You will need a usb mouse for initial setup


To install standard google apps:

  1. Boot up a linux system, ensure that you have android platform tools (adb)
  2. Download this scirpt https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RTAndroid/android_vendor_brcm_rpi3_scripts/aosp-7.1/gapps.sh
  3. Edit TIMESTAMP in the file to get latest version
  4. Note the IP address of your Raspberry Pi
  5. Execute the above script ./gapps.sh -a arm -i RPI_IP_ADDRESS
  6. Wait for the process to complete
  7. The RPI may restart multiple times, and take long to boot

All basic google apps like play servoces,play store will be installed ,Now you can install all your favorite apps from play store.


  1. Stable system (I experienced no crash since last week)
  2. You can flash opengapps for full android experience
  3. Install apps like Mobdro,Terrarium,Youtube and enjoy them on big screen


  1. My TV did not detect a 1080p output (720p worked great)
  2. Minor display glitches (mouse pointer not rendered properly)

Hope you enjoy!!

Feel free to comment your queries!